Reserve hotels for missions or private use. Make bookings at 120,000+ hotels worldwide with instant detailed confirmations. Find NATO and government rates plus special internet and agency rates. Book up to 5 rooms at once. Manage all existing bookings in the same place.
Easily book and manage group hotel accommodation. Quickly add guest names or create a participant booking site in seconds. NATO preferred hotels are loaded with contracted group terms and conditions in key locations. Partner hotels are also connected to the system. No more paper contracts - minimize paperwork, increase efficiency.
Use our specialised central team to help you organise your meetings and events. From initial research to contracting, web site creation, logistics, registration and event management. Let us walk you through the process from start to finish. This service will simplify your life.
Booking link for NATO Visitors
The NATO Hotel and Meetings Services site is for NATO employees only. Visitors to NATO can arrange
their hotel accommodation via the Invited Visitors booking site. Here is the
All hotel and meetings services in one place
Now you need only to login once to access
to all hotel reservation and meetings services. All registered users can immediately
book mission hotels or private hotels at NATO rates. If you manage group
bookings, meetings or conferences there are tools and services to help you.
Register to use the site
The NATO Hotel and Meetings Services site is available for all NATO employees. Use the 'Register' link on this page.